
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dining Table - Mahogany Trestle

Finished height, 29 in., width 36 in., length 60 in.
I will make a scale model  to verify the the design.  Good thing, because customer changed her mind.

Well, like all things -- design changed.    Current design has more massive legs with  double-tenons through legs made of 2 1/2 in. mahogany.

Here is a shot of the sections just off the bandsaw.

 And....after waiting for vacationitis to settle ... the finished product.    I made a last minute change in the top after coming across an old table made of maple blocks finger-joined  into a 36 x 60 table top.  You just never know where your materials are going to come from sometimes ;o)

I ripped it into three sections so I could run them through the planer and reglued with some mahogany strips to tie in the other wood.   Tenon pegs are natural maple.

Since the top is only 5 feet, I will make 12 inch extensions to match the top and give a full 7 ft. if more guests need to be seated.

Well, my CEO decided she didn't like the horizontal trestle and also wanted black chairs. 
 I cut the trestle in half and then cut vertical mortises in leg and made black keys... looks pretty nice.  the keys cover the previously horizontal mortise.
 And notice the white carpet has been replaced -- good riddence!

1 comment:

snowlady said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I love the design and with the extensions we will be able to seat 8. I am sooo spoiled. Thank you, honey.